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Sunday, 13 October 2013

Seeing His Face

I asked God to show me who He was,  to show me his face.   God proceeded to show me, tell me who he was ... because His face,  is his character,  it is who He is.  What is God's face?  His face is the full revelation of his character,  his mind, his will, his purposes and plans,  followed by his works.

So what does seeking his face mean?  I believe this means to see God's will,  his purpose and plans for our lives,  his thoughts and feelings, his heart ....  it also means to seek him;  his holiness, his love and his grace, his attributes,  who He is,  so we can made into his image.

He said, explaining who He is... that  He is LOVE and HOLINESS, and that they are intricately connected to each other.  All the other characteristics and attributes are covered under these two (plus Jesus being LIFE... see below).

Out of Love comes God's:  compassion, power, wisdom, grace, forgiveness, mercy, patience, humility, meekness, selflessness, gentleness, kindness, goodness, joy, peace, faithfulness.  It is like a full circle of attributes that  all stems from His love.

Out of God's Holiness comes:  God's judgment, discipline, truth, conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit,  justice, sacrifices and the cross, anger and sadness, God's jealousy.  This is also like a full circle, that stems from His Holiness, but interconnected with his love.   Holiness is also selfless, meek, and humble, just as Jesus was when he walked this earth.  Holiness is also justice and strength, pure and lovely, without spot or stain.  

No man could stand in God's holiness, only Jesus - and we stand in Him, and Him in us.  We are one with Jesus, because he stood in the gap, he identified with us, and became the sacrifice.

Holiness and love is interconnected in that, without holiness, love could be tainted, selfish or evil ....and  without Jesus' sacrificial love, we would not have been justified by his grace.   God's holiness demanded justice for our sin, and God supplied the only one who could do this, His own son Jesus.  Only love  could do this.  Only love could see the sin, but supply a way for us to be made holy and righteous in Him, at great cost to himself.  

Later, God showed me another strong attribute of himself, when I asked if there was anything else He wanted to show me.... He showed me he is  LIFE  ITSELF.   The life-giving force.  The alpha and omega, the bread of life, the living water, the provider (Jehova Jira) The Word, the Creator, the Keeper of the keys of death and life,  eternal life, the healer, the resurrection and the life, the way, truth and the life, the Vine... the light of the world.  He is prophet, priest and king, messiah, teacher and the cornerstone.  He is the essence of life.  All these attributes above, stem from being the essence and giver of life.

I asked to see his face again - and he said to me ....  if you have seen and known me (Jesus), then you know the Father.  I am the image and representation of the Father.  I am in the Father, the Father is in me, and I am in you, by the Holy Spirit.  He said to me, look at my face, what do you see?    I could see Jesus' face in a vision, and I could see ... love/compassion, kindness,  goodness, gentleness, mercy  majesty/kingship, and all the attributes they were written on his face.  Also truth, and strength, and a disciplined and focused mind. 

I was reminded of Moses, in Exodus 33:18-23, and Exodus 34:5-8, where Moses asked to see God's glory / face.  God went behind Moses,  and showed him his back... 

"Then the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the Lord... And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming,  "The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. ... Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation."   

So here I see what God just showed me:  He is love and holiness....  loving and compassionate, and also holy. 

So I have understood that the many attributes and characteristics  of God all stem from these three main ones:  love,  holiness and life.   This is what He was showing me as He was speaking to me.     His face is knowing him, his character, his ways, his heart, his mind and his voice. 

Wednesday, 2 October 2013


As I was praying and asking the Lord to speak with me...  I saw Jesus and he had oil in his hands that he was sprinkling over the earth.   He said to me, "take my oil, from Heaven, and sprinkle it upon the earth.  My oil is my presence, it is my Holy Spirit and it releases JOY and peace.  Be the vessel of oil, let it pour through you by your prayers and intercessions, by your words of encouragement and love that build and restore.  Bathe in the oil and pour it out."

I was reminded of the story in 1 Kings 17:7-16 of Elijah and the widows oil.... first she listened and obeyed,  then she received the promise.....The widow poured oil into ALL the vessels in her house and even her neighbours jars.... she had flour and oil in her jars that did not run out until the rains came.   As the widows oil continued to flow as she used it and poured it out,  so can the oil of the Holy Spirit within us continue to flow as we bathe in it,  and pour it out!

Isaiah 61:1, 3.... The Spirit of the Lord is upon me ...... (3)  to provide for those who grieve in Zion and to bestow on them a crown of beauty, instead of ashes,  the OIL of GLADNESS instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.  

Living Bread

As I was praying,  I saw (in the Spirit) myself riding on a white horse, going in through the gates of Heaven.  Jesus was with me, riding on a horse, and he took me around the City of Heaven... we were greeted by many people, who bowed down to the King.... I too bowed down to my King.  He then said to me,  these people are the poor (Matthew 5:3:  Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven...)

Jesus then told me to ride out and take His bread to the poor and the hungry on earth .... to give them living bread and living water.... He said specifically to take it to those who are hungry and who will eat the bread.

He also showed me that some bread that people give out is not His living bread... some bread is stale and does not give life.... some bread has become tainted by another mix to the dough and this does not feed but stunts growth.    He said to me....  I am the Living Bread; my bread brings hope, inspiration, joy, peace, faith, life, not condemnation, not fear.  Some give out the wrong kind of bread that does not feed, but this bread is not from me.  

He said also,  there are also hungry people in my church - give them fresh bread also.... some do not know how to feed themselves.. encourage them to eat, to feed on my living bread.

Jesus said.... I am the bread of life.  He who comes to me shall not hunger,  he who believes in me shall not thirst....  And he who comes to me I will NEVER drive away. (John 6:35, 37)

Jesus said.... Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. (Matt 5:6)

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Harmony in Kingdom of Heaven

In prayer,  after a time of healing and being refreshed,  I saw the Lord pouring water over my head.  I often 'see' pictures or visions, as this is the way the Lord speaks to me, and He speaks deep into my spirit.

I then saw these massive flowers in a field that were bigger than humans.  I stood under a big red tulip-like flower, under it's petals.... the light shone through the petals,  there was dew on the flower and it was so refreshing... I saw a whole field like this with hugh flowers....  the Lord used this picture of nature, of flowers,  and began to speak to me about the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven...

The Lord began to speak to me and he said.... the Kingdom of Heaven is in perfect balance because there is no sin there, no curse, it is not a fallen kingdom, and it is in perfect harmony with itself, and with all nature and creatures.  There is no conflict,  no food chains or cycles, but peace, harmony and tranquility.  Food grows and animals and nature live side by side.

And the Lord said... the Kingdom of Heaven will one day be joined with the earth... the Kingdom of Heaven will reign on the earth.

I believe the Lord was giving me a preview of what that perfect harmony in heaven on earth will be like .... I welcome the Kingdom of Heaven, both now and in the future!

Revelation 21: 2-5:

I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride, beautifully dressed for her husband, and I hard a loud voice from the throne saying,  "Now, the dwelling of God is with me, and he will live with them.  They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.   He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."  He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!"

Healing my Heart

As I was praying over a recent situation in my life,  I heard the Lord say to me,  "I heal the broken hearted, and I lift up those who are bowed down."

The Lord often speaks to me in pictures or visions,  and I saw my heart that had been cut open and the wounds within.  Jesus was holding my heart in his hands and washing out the dirt, the blood and the pain and moulding the two halves of my heart back together, so they became one again - it was just as if the wound / cut had not existed.  

God is able to heal our broken lives,  our wounded relationships and families.  In fact, that's why he came!  Jesus said, (quoting Isaiah 61: 1)  "He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners."    Often healing of our hearts takes a little bit of time,  but as we begin to release forgiveness to those who have hurt us, and release the pain, anger, bitterness, hate, or whatever we may be feeling to Him, asking Him for forgiveness,   and asking him to exchange our pain and anger for his love and grace,  then our hearts are changed and become whole again.

Let me encourage you with these scriptures:

"The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18)

"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." (Psam 51:17)

Healing my Heart

As I was praying over a recent situation,  the Lord spoke to me and said,  "I heal the broken-hearted, and I lift up those who are bowed down."

The Holy Spirit often gives me pictures or visions,  and I saw my heart had been cut open and the wounds within.  Jesus was holding my heart in his hands and washing out the dirt, the blood, and the pain and moulding the two halves of my heart back together, so they became one again - it was just as if the wound or cut had not existed.

It often takes time to heal.... but I have found that as I choose to forgive, and as I put the pain in His hands, the hurt, the anger, the unresolved situation, He heals, because that is what He came to do....

Jesus said about himself (quoting Isaiah 61:1), "He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners."

Let me encourage you to forgive those who have wounded you,  and to put all the pain, all the brokenness into God's hands....

"The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18)