On Sunday at church during the worship time, I saw an angel who took me up to fly with him above the nations. He blew fire down on Asia (the fire of the Holy Spirit) and said ‘rain’ was coming to Africa and the Winds of the Holy Spirit was going to blow across America (and Europe).
The vision started and finished quickly, as we stopped worship and had to listen to the speaker. I know though, that this was just a quick flash of something more he wanted to show me, so later in the day I went back into prayer and asked the Holy spirit to show me the rest. This is what he showed me and said:
Africa: (19.7.09)
He showed me rain and floods in places. The rain clouds moves, stops and starts over different areas of Africa. Sometimes the rain is like light showers, sometimes heavy. This rain is sent from the Lord. He said, “I will water the land where they receive me. I will not go to places that don’t receive me, only those who call out and ask. I will water the land that is dry and parched when they cry out to me. The cloud is coming, the rain is ready to pour out across the nations of Africa.
“The cloud and rain will follow my servants and prophets and I will pour out many signs and wonders: where their feet treat, so will I. There will be a thundering and lightening from heaven – Africa will know I have spoken. The lightening will show My glory. I will pour out My blessing, a mighty deluge, mighty heavy rains. The clouds will lift and follow My servants and will fall on all My servants who call on Me.
Asia: (19.7.09)
I saw the angel blowing down fire over Asia. He said; “The fire of the Holy Spirit will burn! It will burn idols, it will burn the false to ashes and all that will remain will be My Word and My truth. I will raise up prophets to speak My word to this generation and release My might power among My people in Asia. My servants will encounter great darkness and deceit (in this nation) and persecution will come; but I have made a way. I have made a path for my people and they shall walk in the light. They shall be my light in the world. Where they go, the fire will fall! My holy fire. I am holy and I will burn. I will burn holiness into their hearts and I will burn in the souls of the lost. They will seek me and find me and be drawn deeper into the fire of my holiness.
My Fire will spread – it will spread from heart to heart, place to place, nation to nation. It is a fire that cannot be put out, because I blow on it and I spread it, no man can stop it. My fire is coming to Asia, be ready!”
India 19.9.09
I have a passion for India, for the people do not know me and I come to the poor and humble. When they call me, I will come. I will show myself to the nation again. They will see signs and wonders and know I am God, the one true God. I will pour my Spirit on the land. Come before me and seek me. I will hear you and heal you. You were not my people, but I will make you mine. You are precious to me, a priceless jewel. I died for you and I redeem you. I call you back and I enfold you. I call you to come into my Kingdom and be children of the most High King.
Please see: Isaiah 55:5, Isaiah 53:4-6, and Isaiah 54:5-7
America: (19.7.09)
A wind is blowing across the land. This is my holy wind. Do not be afraid of its strength and power, do not run and hide, but let it envelope you and take you along the path I lay out. Let this wind bend you, break you, let this wind remould your thinking, let this wind challenge you, let this wind empower you and send you out.
I call you as a nation to be sent out. Go out to the nations and take my Spirit. Spread the wind of the My Spirit. Let it come to you and upon you and sent it forth!
Let my Spirit show you new ways. Let my Spirit reveal to you my hearts desire and let not the old hold you back. The old has past, behold I am dong a new thing with this nation. You will link to other nations and the wind will blow over you and through you to others. Do not despise the little things, the small or the weak. The small will become mighty. The small and the mighty will link into one unit and become mighter. Your spiritual links will be health and strength to those in living in these times of trouble. Strengthen yourself in me, oh mighty nation and strengthen the small and the weak. For you are what I make you. You exists in me and because of me. I gave you live and breath. Let your strength be in me alone, not yourself, but me. I am the Lord, there is none other.”
Australia: (19.7.09)
“I am raising worshippers and intercessors in this land. I am raising leaders and I will release a spirit of joy, and deliverance over this land. A shout of praise will rise up, for they worship me in all their heart. They worship me in spirit and truth and I delight in them. I release a spirit of prophecy over this land. They shall prophecy and bring forth my word to the nations. I release refreshing springs, coming up from the earth, watering the land.”
“Blow the shofer, hear me oh Israel. Israel, oh Israel, I release a spirit of repentance over you. Repent and turn your heart to me and I will turn to you. I will not forget my people or my covenant with you. You are my chosen people and my heart breaks for you and waits for you to return to me. I will open the eyes of the blind and reveal who I am. I am who I am and I will reveal this to you. You will no longer search and walk in darkness for my light is coming and is shining over you. Seek me and you shall find me. Hear me Oh Israel. I am calling you.”
Britain: (19.9.09)
Britain has turned away from me and has let in many idols and false religions. I lament for the nations. But what should I do? Shall I come in my judgment and wipe out the nations? Or shall I come in my mercy? I choose to come in mercy so many will be saved.
I will pour out my rain and my fire on the church. My rain to soak you in my Spirit and presence, and my fire. I will ignite a fire in your hearts, that will burn and cause you to have vision again. And I ask you to take this fire out - take it out onto the streets and into the nations. You are my fire carriers and my torch bearers.
Fall on your knees and seek my face, there you will see my glory. Turn your hearts again to me, bow your knee to me only, then you will be strengthened. Strength comes within, it comes from my Spirit to your own - I will strengthen your heart, I will strengthen the weak; it is my might and power not yours. Turn back to me oh mighty nation, because your might comes from me! I have power to build or destroy, to pull up or to tear down; but I want you to tear down the enemy's strongholds and to build with me the Kingdom of God - for my reign will last forever. I am eternal. My Kingdom is eternal and my power and my glory is eternal. I will reign eternally among you and with you. Rise up sons and daughters!
Please see: Jeremiah 3:12-15, Isaiah 45:8, Isaiah 52:7, Isaiah 55:6-11
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