Vision regarding the UK 24.3.17, R. Grigg
I had been praying for the UK and government etc and I asked the Lord to give me strategies in how to pray more effectively for the nation.
In a vision, I started to see myself walking down a pathway. I was dressed in a white robe with jewels embroidered onto the robe, gold around the edges and carried a gold staff. I walked up to a mansion-type building and knocked on the door to a Council. Angels opened the doors and I walked up to another door and knocked. The door opened. I was shown to a seat near the front to observe the proceedings. I was told not so speak unless asked to, only to observe – I also scribed.
I was in a of court-room chamber, where the Council (1) met. They were holding a meeting concerning the UK.
During the proceedings, Satan stood up and said he had plans for the UK, that he had rights and access because we had opened the doors for him.
Satan said he had plans to bring deeper darkness to this nation, so deep that we cannot get out or return to where we have previously been (2). He has plans to hem in the UK, surround us and pressurise us so that our nations conforms to others around us and looses our own identity.
He said he has plans to remove Child Benefit and other benefits from families – to bring families into further poverty (3).
He also said:
He has plans to make housing and house-buying more difficult, almost impossible – causing more homelessness and stress on families.
He has plans to ruin and bring down the Health Service so it is more chaos and disorder.
He has to bring further and deeper divide within the churches over issues of sexuality and morality.
He has plans to allow and encourage all religions and cults to operate more openly and freely with endorsements from the government – all except Christ followers (4)
He has plans to confuse and nullify the morals and ethics of the youth and children in our nation.
He has plans to bring higher levels of stress and strife, by raising up 'education' and 'business success' on the alter of life – making them into gods – bringing with it heavy loses on health, and family life.
Then the Council Leader (God) stood up and asked the church – what answer does The Church give?
The Church stood up (seemingly weak and silent) and said, “We will pray.”
The Council Leader (God) asked the Lord what answer he gives?
Then the Lord stood up in the Council and said:
I will stir up my people to pray and intercede, fast and repent. I will call them out from hiding and cause their light to shine.
I will put my compassion and strength in their hearts so they will rise up and heal those who are broken and hurt and they will be lights on a hill (5).
I will raise up intercessors to stand on the wall and in the gaps to guard the nation (6), to close and open doors, to bind up and loose (7), to call for angelic help and to call for the army of God to rise up; and when they call on me, I will hear them and heal their land and their people (8). I will put my word in their mouth and they will speak out in truth and wisdom, faith, power and love, then they will decree the things I have spoken.
I will strengthen their armour and their sword (9); in the heat of the battle, they will not be burned; in the heat of the battle my angels will fight for and with them.
They will rise up and address their nation and when they call on me I will provide for their needs; they will see my grace and glory. Nothing shall defeat them because I am fighting for them (10).
Then I was asked to stand up and speak:
Ruth, what is your response?
My response was: I will do what the Holy Spirit leads me to do. I will pray and intercede. I will speak forth in truth and I will teach the nations.
This is where the vision ended - we however, are called to pray for our nation.
Please see:
(1) Psalm 82:1, Psalm 89:7, Jerm. 23:18, Isaiah 60:1-2, John 10:10, Matt 5:11-12, Matt 5:13-14, Ezk 22:30, Isa 62:6, Matt 18:18, Chronicles 7:14, Eph 6:17 (10) Rom 8:31, 37
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