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Saturday, 2 February 2019

Sowing & Reaping and Builders

Sowing & Reaping .   24.7.09

I saw a picture of people reaping in a field. The people were reaping separately, in different parts of the field. The Lord said to me that we would reap more if we reaped together. He said that we need to take the seeds/fruit (people) that have been reaped, and nurture them, disciple them and then replant them so they can produce many more seeds. He said, we need to let go of them, not stifle them, but let them grow so they can produce their own seeds, so the cycle continues.

He showed me these scriptures, which confirmed this:

Matthew 13:23, 2 Cor 9:6-11, Gal 6:7-10


I saw a picture of people building individual homes (ministries, churches, kingdoms). The Lord said, we are building individual homes, without realizing that He asked us, called us to build one kingdom. We may have individual ‘rooms’ and places for ministry but the Lord builds one house. If we don’t realize this, the enemy can come in and set one kingdom (house) against another, causing division, weakness, and ineffective building of His Kingdom. The Lord said we should build together, build one kingdom. There are no separate kingdoms and there should be no competition between builders, but co-building and co-operation. He said, unless the Lord builds the house, its builders build in vain (Ps 127:1).

He also said to remember where we build our house. If we build it on the sand it will collapse; we need to remember to labour together, to dig foundations deep in prayer, worship, the Word, and fellowship; then this house will stand when others collapse around us, because it is built on the solid rock.

The Lord showed me these scriptures which confirmed this:

1 Cor 3:4-15, Mat 7: 24-27, Mat 12:25

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