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Saturday, 2 February 2019


THE ROAR OF THE LION (21.5.17) R Grigg

I saw The Lion (of Judah) standing tall on a hill top.

He said: we should not be afraid when we see wars and stirrings within the nations and war against his people. He is coming as the Lion of Judah to deal with his enemies. He is coming, stand, watch and pray. We will see will see every promise to the Jews, to this Church and personal promises come to pass. Every word he has spoken will come to pass.

He is coming first to the east. We will hear his roar in the East (Amos 1:2), his roar in the south, is roar in the west, his roar in the north. We will hear the roar of the Lion but this is not yet the end. We will hear a trumpet sound and a roar that goes across the earth, like the sound of thunder and lightening before He returns as King (Rev 5:5, See Matt 24: 27, 31). He is coming and He is moving forwards, even now.

He will release millions of angels: they will be released to the earth during the times of battle: they are sent to warn us, protect us, guide us and care for us. During all of this, we need to just be still and know that He is God; enter into the place of peace and rest and he will protect our hearts and minds.

He asked this question: Why be scared when you know your inheritance? The Garden of Eden will be yours. Heaven on earth will be yours. You are receiving an eternal inheritance.

He is calling us: rise up warriors, rise up kings – do not be faint-hearted. Rise and shine for the glory of the Lord is risen on you (See Zech 9:9-10 ff).

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