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Saturday, 2 February 2019


THE BRIDE (2.6.09) Ruth Grigg

I had a vision of Jesus calling me to come and sit with him under this apple tree, in a beautiful garden. He said, "Come with me! I call you my lover. I call you my Bride. Come hold my hand. Prepare yourself. Wash in my waters." The vision changed and, I was diving and swimming in refreshing waters. He said, "wash in my waters of love. Cleanse yourself, bathe yourself. Prepare yourself as Esther did before her night with the king." The vision changed, and Jesus poured a fragrant oil over my head. He said, "I pour my oil over you. I pour my fragrance over you, "and then he said,"come clothe yourself." I was dressed in a wedding gown and walked up the isle to meet my groom, my husband, Jesus. Jesus had a beautiful fire in his eyes, eyes of firery love. He looked at me with love. We joined hands. He said, "this wedding was purchased by my blood. I have brought you." He put a ring on my finger, and He made a vow, a vow of eternal love, and I the Bride, made a vow of love to my groom. I bowed before my King and Lord in submission to my new husband, King Jesus. He kissed me on my forehead and said, "all this is to come." (ie yet to take place).

He said, "See I have prepared a wedding feast.... " In the vision I saw tables of glorious food, I saw singers and musicians and dancers. He said "bring your offering to me - your fruit of love." So I brought him and my offering. And then I saw heaven rejoicing. He said, "all heaven is rejoicing...I rejoice, my Bride is rejoicing, the angels and the earth is rejoicing at the union of My Bride with me.



In the vision I represent the Bride of Christ - but the Bride is you and me, the whole body of Christ. This vision of his love for his Bride and the unity in marriage is a picture/foretelling of the Wedding Feast of the Lamb with His Bride, the Church, which is yet to take place. He loves His Bride very much and the vision is telling us to prepare ourselves - to wash ourselves (to be holy, clean), to anoint ourselves with his oil and fragrance as Queen Esther did before her night with the king, (worship) so we may enter his presence and be his spotless Bride.

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